
Natalia + Zac | July 11th, 2020

This wedding wasn’t close to being a “typical” wedding. I’ll just say you had to be there & It was fun!!! On this beautiful, hot, summer day I got to capture these two people who I know love each other soooooo much get married to one another. I’m 3 for 3 with these two. Proposal, Engagement, and now Wedding. Check and done!

I don’t know if there is a more perfect match out there than Natalia & Zac. When you are with them both, you can just tell that they get each other. They both have such bubbly and I dont even know another word to describe it………. sparky? Electrifying? They are just peppy kind of people. Will make you laugh or put you in your place. You choose which side you want to be on. lol.

If you read their engagement post —-> its good <3
You then know that I have a looooonnnng history with Natalia. The sister from a different mister kind of thing. Somedays we would want to be, and the next we are at each others throats. (if this is the first thing you are ever reading from me, I promise I am a fun & nice person lol)

I can say from knowing Natalia for 6 years now, this is the happiest I have seen this girl in a long time. & she more than deserves it.

I can’t thank you all enough for choosing me to be your photographer to capture these amazing moments of you both with your families. You have a whole team of people that just love you unconditionally and want the best for you both and the girls.

My favorite moment from the wedding was the “Candy Ceremony”. I feel like in the last 8 years or so, sand ceremony have become a big thing! They are so sweet & something you can display after. Natalia & Zac did a “Candy Ceremony” and each of them had a different candy and they poured it in a bowl. How sweet is that? But my favorite part was when the littlest asks “but mom, can I have the candy now” lol I DIED!!!!!!!!! hahahahahha it was to cute.

Congratulations you two. I wish you nothing but success, love & sweet memories with you both and the girls.

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I'm Lindsey! Senior, Wedding, and Brand photographer based in Minot, ND. Sharing my love of photos that look like you right in this moment.

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